Materials needed:

sewing machine, pins, scissors and sundress fabric.


I bought the material at Joann Fabrics link Here looks like it out of stock but other option could be find Here or Here or Here .  The top elastic part has already been added which makes it so easy.

Be careful watch out, I ordered mine online and when I got it, the fabric wasn’t cut straight at all so I lost some inches at the bottom.

Step 1.


Wrap the fabric around you pin up as need be. I suggest for US sizes 10 and below 1 piece of fabric is enough I think one piece of fabric is like 1yd and 1/8″. Sizes 12 and above will have to use more than 1 fabric.


Pin or measure out the excess fabric.

Step 2

Below is the fabric all pinned together with like 1/2″ excess in one side.


Here is another view.


Sew a long running stitch from the top of the fabric till the end.

You can either leave it this way strapless or add straps to it. I decided to add straps but I didn’t have enough fabric for the straps.

Luckily for me I was able to find a fabric a little similar in color.

Step 3 – Adding Straps

Measure out a rectangle with 3″ by 14″, I  use size 8-10  (US size)  so  the length varies according to your size.


 Step 4

Fold  into 2 and stitch a straight line through the length with right side together.


 Step 5

Turn out the right side out. Here is what it looks like.


Iron it and attached it to the fabric sewn. I measured out 3 and 1/2″ from each sides of the dress both in front and back.


Step 6

I sew in the straps


Here is what it looks like.




More Photos Here



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1 Comment

  1. […] Here is a tutorial on sewing a summer sundress in less than 30min. […]

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About Author

I'm an Apparel Designer and a Public Health Advocate. I love Art, Craft, and Nature. I'm also a wellness advocate, so I allow myself to be vulnerable, to be a gift of joy and happiness to everyone that crosses my path. Hey, I'm a kick-ass vintage car lover, never missed a show in the past 10yrs but COVID threw a punch at it.