A few months ago my 10 yr old daughter came to me with a tutorial she saw on youtube. It was a crochet whale youtube tutorial.

She looked at me and said “Mom could you please make this for me”. With a surprise on my face, I looked at her and responded saying “I have no idea how to crochet”. She rolled her eyes and looked at me tapped me on the shoulder and said “Mom I know you can do it” 

The confidence and assurance I saw on her face gave me encouragement that I could do it. I bet she thought I was a superhero that could do everything since I know how to sew.  🙂

A month after that, she and her older sister came to me and showed me what they wish to buy me for valentine. It was a crochet hook set. 

To cut the story short, they made me order it with my money and when the box came through the mail they presented it to me as my valentine’s day gift.  So, they literally bought me a gift with my money. Kids. 🙂

I went on youtube and started learning how to crochet. I have made several projects till date and I have also started uploading tutorials on my youtube channel for those who would be interested in learning with me. 



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About Author

I'm an Apparel Designer and a Public Health Advocate. I love Art, Craft, and Nature. I'm also a wellness advocate, so I allow myself to be vulnerable, to be a gift of joy and happiness to everyone that crosses my path. Hey, I'm a kick-ass vintage car lover, never missed a show in the past 10yrs but COVID threw a punch at it.